Nottingham > Publications > Quartz Crystal Microbalances


Below gives a selected list of the publications from Professor Glen McHale, Dr Mike Newton, Dr Neil Shirtcliffe and colleagues in Nottingham Trent University. Postprints of some papers are available by clicking on the links provided. Users who are registered with the American Chemical Society (ACS registration is free) can click on the "Via ACS Server" links and logon to obtain a free copy of the article.

Complete list | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Lichens, Plastrons & Soil | Interfacial Slip & Drag Reduction | Liquid Marbles, EWOD & DEP | Wetting & Spreading | Surface Acoustic Waves | Quartz Crystal Microbalances | Selected Others

D. Kuvshinov, M.R. Bown, J.M. MacInnes, R.W.K. Allen, R. Ge, L. Aldous, C. Hardacre, N. Doy, M.I. Newton and G. McHale,
Thermal conductivity measurement of liquids in a microfluidic device,
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 10 (2011) 123-132. View postprint pdf

N. Doy, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, C. Hardacre, R. Ge, J.M. MacInnes, D. Kuvshinov and R.W. Allen,
Small volume lab-on-a-chip measurements incorporating the quartz crystal microbalance to measure the viscosity-density product of room temperature ionic liquids,
Biomicrofluidics 4 (1) (2010) art. 014107. View postprint pdf

M.I. Newton, S.R. Morris, S.M. Stanley, C.R. Evans, D.C. Hughes and G. McHale,
Low cost QCM sensor system for screening semen samples,
J. Sens. (2010) art. 326365. View reprint pdf

G. McHale, C. Hardacre, R. Ge, N. Doy, R.W.K. Allen, J.N. MacInnes, M.R. Bown and M.I. Newton,
Density-viscosity product of small volume ionic liquid samples using quartz crystal impedance analysis,
Anal. Chem. 80 (15) (2008) 5806-5811. Via ACS server

P. Roach, G. McHale, C.R. Evans, N.J. Shirtcliffe and M.I. Newton,
Decoupling of the liquid response of a superhydrophobic quartz crystal microbalance,
Langmuir 23 (19) (2007) 9823-9830. Via ACS server

M.I. Newton, C.R. Evans, J.J. Simons and D.C. Hughes,
Semen quality detection using time of flight and acoustic wave sensors,
App. Phys. Lett. 90 (15) (2007) art. 154103. View abstract

C.R. Evans, G. McHale, N.J. Shirtcliffe, S. M. Stanley and M.I.Newton,
The effect of superhydrophobic SU8 patterned surfaces on the response of the quartz crystal microbalance,
Sens. Act. A 123-124 (2005) 73-76. View postprint pdf

G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Surface roughness and interfacial slip boundary condition for quartz crystal microbalances,
J. Appl. Phys. 95 (1) (2004) 373-380. View postprint pdf

N.T. Pham, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, B.J. Carroll and S.M. Rowan,
Application of the quartz crystal microbalance to the evaporation of colloidal suspension droplets,
Langmuir 20 (3) (2004) 841-847. Via ACS server

J.G. Ellis, G. McHale, G.L. Hayward and M. Thompson,
Contact angle-based predictive model for slip at the solid-liquid interface of a transverse-shear mode acoustic wave device,
J. Appl. Phys. 94 (9) (2003) 6201-6207. View postprint pdf

C.J. Percival, S. Stanley, M. Auer, A. Braithwaite, M.I. Newton, G. McHale and W. Hayes,
Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using quartz crystal microbalances,
Anal. Chem. 75 (7) (2003) 1573-1577. Via ACS server

S. Stanley, C.J. Percival, T. Morel, A. Braithwaite, M.I. Newton, G. McHale and W. Hayes,
Enantioselective detection of L-Serine,
Sens. Act. B: Chemical 89 (1-2) (2003) 103-106. View abstract

C. J. Percival, S. Stanley, A. Braithwaite, M. I. Newton and G. McHale,
Molecular imprinted polymer coated QCM for the detection of nandrolone,
Analyst 127 (8) (2002) 1024-1026. View abstract

L. McKenna, M.I. Newton, G. McHale, R. Lucklum and J. Schroeder,
Compressional wave generation in microdroplets of water in contact with quartz crystal resonators,
J. Appl. Phys. 89 (1) 2001) 676-680. View abstract

C.J. Percival, S. Stanley, M. Galle, A. Braithwaite, M.I. Newton, G. McHale and W. Hayes,
Molecularly imprinted polymer coated quartz crystal microbalances for the detection of terpenes,
Anal. Chem. 73 (17) (2001) 4225-4228. Via ACS server

G. McHale, M. I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and J.A. Cowen,
Acoustic wave-liquid interactions,
Maters. Sci. Eng. C12 (1-2) (SI) (2000) 17-22. View abstract

G.McHale, R. Lucklum, M.I. Newton and J.A. Cowen,
Influence of viscoelasticity and interfacial slip on acoustic wave sensors,
J. Appl. Phys. 88 (12) (2000) 7304-7312. View postprint pdf